DirectShow Spy

DirectShow Spy

DirectShow Spy

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DirectShow Spy

A small issue appears to be affecting DirectShow applications with DirectShow Spy installed. As underlying COM base is non-standard, the spy implements a few hacks to run smoothly and to keep reference counting correct in particular. Under certain conditions, DirectShow-enabled ActiveX control hosted by Internet Explorer seems to be unable to put its graph onto Running Object Table (ROT). What happened next is that Spy assumed ROT operation to succeed, and compensated reference counting, which under bad assumption could cause E_UNEXPECTED error while creating a filter graph. This updated fixes the issue.

Another small improvement is that similarly to SDK proppage.dll, Spy registration UI also assists in registering another DLL – evrprop.dll, should it be there near the spy module.

DirectShow Spy

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DirectShow Spy

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DirectShow Spy

DirectShow Spy is updated with a few new features:

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DirectShow Spy

A small update to the DirectShow Spy: DirectShow Filter Graph Spy prints memory allocator properties as a part of graph topology trace on transition to running state. Why is that and what it is for? Filters normally agree on allocator properties (ALLOCATOR_PROPERTIES, obtained from IMemAllocator, obtained from IMemInputPin) themselves without interference from controlling application. Sometimes an undesired choice of buffers can cause sick runtime behavior, including but not limited to the following: audio capture buffers are too long, and introduce significant latency, including from live video capture stream taking place in parallel; controlling application might need to take advantage of IAMBufferNegotiation::SuggestAllocatorProperties and request shorter buffers.
2.a filter, such as for example DMO Wrapper Filter, may default to 1 buffer on allocator, which means that if a buffer reference is for some reason held for future reference (e.g. a video filter might be holding a reference to be able to re-push a video sample if an application is requesting video update), the entire streaming might lock.
3.some filters are requesting unreasonably many/large buffers and consume vast spaces of RAM, such as MainConcept MXF Demultiplexer requesting 200 buffers x 640 kilobytes each (128 MB in total out of sudden)
4.some filters are requesting unreasonably few/small buffers resulting in inability to pre-buffer data

In a chase for answers to questions "Where is my memory?", "Why is it so choppy?", "I would really appreciate a nice lipsync" and to troubleshoot the mentioned scenarios it is helpful to understand buffering configuration. DirectShow Filter Spy is here to deliver this information. Once the graph is put into running state, spy prints out topology data into log file (which is in most cases C:\ProgramData\DirectShowSpy.log)

Windows SDK Tools 06/2010

Updated for x86 and x64 version of Win Vista and Seven : (They are includes in the latest Windows 7 SDK Package (19.05.2010) )

Added for x86 and x64 version of Win XP : (They are includes in the latest .NET Framework 4 (12.04.2010) )

-evrprop.dll, proppage.dll these files are used for what is written below..Other Dxva2 and EVR dll are for Win XP to be able to use EVR renderer in XP..So by copying these files and registering evr.dll in the system32 dir (without .NET Framework) , EVR will be active on XP but DXVA is not working yet with EVR on XP..Read the related readme.txt to install them to the system..

-evrprop.dll ve proppage.dll nin ne için kullanıldığı aşağıda yazıyor..Diğer Dxva2 ve EVR dll ler XP de EVR rendereri kullanmak içindir..Yani bu dosyaları sistem32 altına kopyalayıp evr.dll yi register yapmakla (.NET Framework olmadan) XP de EVR renderer kullanılabilir ama DXVA, XP de EVR yle henüz çalışmıyor..Uygulamaları sisteme yüklemek için ilgili readme.txt yi okuyun..

DirectShow Spy

This quick update for DirectShow Filter Graph Spy adds tracing for (deprecated) IAMFilterData interface, and also fixes problem with Media Player Classic – Home Cinema, when the player crashes in External Filters windows.

DirectShow Spy

Changes in new version are; x64 version, hook API, filter mapper function and the binary is renamed from FilterGraphSpy.dll to DirectShowSpy.dll..

DirectShow Filter Graph Spy

Filter Graph Spy Tool allows you to see the Graph through Graphedit (File > Connect to Remote Graph..) even when the player does not use the ROT feature..

For example Windows Media Player or GOM player or etc. have not the ROT feature and we can't see what codecs it uses.So Filter Graph Spy Tool adds the ROT feature for these non-ROT feature players and we can see the graph in GRFedit..

FilterGraphSpy.dll and the proppage.dll must be registered in your system and below there are more information about ROT feature.

For more info about FilterGraphSpy.dll, visit


Filter Graph Spy aracı ROT desteği olmayan programlar kullanılsa dahi Graphedit içinde File > Connect to Remote Graph dan kullanılan GRF yi görmemizi sağlar.

Mesela Windows Media Player veya GOM player veya v.b. de ROT desteği yok ve normal de Graphedit içinde File > Connect to Remote Graph dan kullanılan GRF ye ulaşamıyoruz.İşte Filter Graph Spy Tool bu ROT desteksiz programlar için ROT özelliğini ekler ve kullanılan GRF ye bağlanıp hangi codeclerin o an kullanıldığını GRF edit içinde görebiliriz.

FilterGraphSpy.dll ve proppage.dll sistemde register edilmelidir.ROT özelliği hakkında daha fazla bilgi için aşağıdaki bilgileri okuyun.

FilterGraphSpy.dll hakkında daha fazla bilgi için adresine uğrayın.

Windows SDK Tools

Package includes the latest release of the following files :

Copy evrprop.dll and proppage.dll into system directory (Windows > System32) and register them..

evrprop.dll enables all EVR Renderer options in codec properties dialog..


proppage.dll enables the ROT (Running Object Table) feature..[ The ROT is a globally accessible look-up table that keeps track of running objects.GraphEdit can load a filter graph created by an external process. With this feature, you can see exactly what filter graph your application builds, with only a minimal amount of additional code in your application. ]

Latest DVB Dream and DVB Viewer Pro has support the ROT feature..

Using ROT with DVB Dream

Using ROT with DVB Viewer Pro

*If you can't see the Graph, re-register the quartz.dll !

and also; proppage.dll enables VMR7 and VMR9 options in codec properties dialog..



Paketde aşağıdaki dosyaların son sürümleri mevcuttur:

evrprop.dll ve proppage.dll yi (sisteminiz 32 bit ise x86, 64 bit ise x64 klasörü içindeki) sistem (windows > system32) klasörü içine kopyalayıp ardından register yapın..

evrprop.dll EVR Renderer in bütün özelliklerini codec ayarlarında aktif yapıp bu sayede ayarlamanıza imkan tanır..(EVR Renderer özelliklerini ayarlamak için, Kullandığınız DVB Player programında render olarak EVR renderer i seçip bir kanalı açıp programın filters menüsünde EVR Renderer e tıklayın..)


proppage.dll ROT (Running Object Table) özelliğini aktif yapar..[ ROT özelliği kısaca, GRF Edit in Uzakdan GRF ye bağlanma özelliği ile eğer programda ROT özelliği varsa o anda o programın kullandığı GRF görüntülenebilir..]

Güncel DVB Dream ve DVB Viewer Pro da ROT özelliği mevcuttur..

DVB Dream le ROT kullanma

DVB Viewer Pro yla ROT u kullanma

*Eğer yukarıdaki işlemden sonra GRF ekrana gelmezse, system32 içindeki quartz.dll yi tekrar register yapın !

ve ayrıca; proppage.dll VMR7 ve VM9 ayarlarını aktif yapıp codec özellikler menüsünde ayarlamanıza olanak tanır..(VMR9 da bu sayede renk ayarları direk renderer üzerinde ayarlanabilir..)

*Codeclerin nasıl register yapılacağını bilmiyorsanız, Data Center daki codec konusunu okuyunuz..